Ana Llopis
Member nº 01848 COACV
Doctor of Architecture since 1986 and Professor of Applied Physics since 1999. She was Director of the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Valencia (ETSAV) from 2008-2012. She teaches various subjects at the ETSAV related to sustainability, environmental conditioning (thermal, acoustic and light), architectural and urban acoustics and acoustic conditioning of rooms.
She has published several books, including “Acústica Arquitectónica y Urbanística” (Limusa, 2008) and articles on acoustics in prestigious national and international media. She carries out many acoustic studies in theatres, auditoriums, congress halls and cultural centres nationwide. She participates assiduously in several national and international congresses, presenting papers to them. She is frequently invited to give lectures all over Spain on acoustic subjects.
She has been a member of the Scientific Committee of Congresses, such as the XXVI Biennial of the Spanish Society of Physics, the International Research in Architecture and Urbanism, the III International Congress of Art and Environment, and the Construction Exhibition 2013. She participates in several Research Projects of the R+D+I plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology. She was a member of the Advisory Board of the magazine Hábitat Futura and she participates as a jury in different architectural competitions such as the IVVSA.